Joyce Major
Check out the latest work by Joyce Major. "The Orangutan Rescue Gang" research took her to Indonesia volunteering in rainforest and orangutan conservation. The outcome is an influential page-turner unlike any of her prior projects.
"A beautifully written adventure, this book will open readers hearts and minds to orangutans and the threats they face - and, I hope, inspire them to play an active part in their protection."
Helen Buckland, Director, Sumatran Orangutan Society, SOS, UK

I'm excited to do zoom presentations for your classes. We will cover orangutan conservation, palm oil and rainforest conservation. With all of the emphasis on climate change, protecting our rainforests is essential. Because all of the profits for my book are donated to orangutan projects in Indonesia, there is no charge for my presentation. As a former teacher, I am happy to do this presentation to educate students and help teachers.